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Responsible for the contents of this homepage is

Nihal Azak

Phone +49 1523 4582555

Address on request

Legal Notices and Disclaimer:
Information: The Hamburg Regional Court (LG HH) ruled on May 12, 1988 that the author of a page on the Internet (hereinafter referred to as a "website") may be held responsible for the content of other pages (hereinafter referred to as "links") by creating references to these pages. According to the LG HH, this can only be prevented if the author of the website expressly distances himself from this content.
This aspect of the legal situation forms, among other things, the background for the following information, under which conditions the information on this website is offered.
Links: The author of this website hereby expressly distances himself from all content of the linked or connected pages that were changed after the corresponding links were set. The author hereby expressly declares that at the time the links were set, these other pages were free of illegal content. The author has no influence on the future design of these pages. The author also expressly distances himself from links that reach this website through third-party entries in the guest book.
Disclaimer: There is no guarantee that the information on this website is up-to-date, correct, complete or of the quality. Liability claims relating to damage caused by the use of the information are fundamentally excluded, unless there is intentional or grossly negligent fault on the part of the author.
Copyright: All content on this website (photos, texts, graphics, etc.) as well as the copyright for the content are, unless otherwise stated, the property of Nihal Azak. Any reproduction or use in other electronic or printed publications is only permitted with express consent.
The author reserves the right to change or remove the website at any time without prior notice.

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